

Color: Black Japanese Harlequin

Gender: Buck (male)

DOB: 03/30/2024

Ready: 05/25/2024


1 in stock

SKU: Ear Number CB404-1-1 Category:


Mom: Harley Quinn, Chocolate Japanese Harlequin doe
Dad: African Safari, Black Japanese Split-face buck

Jake is a black Japanese harlequin EA buck. We are very fond of this litter! We haven’t had a lot of bunnies over the last year so this has been a lot of fun. The kids have handled them so much that they are going to bond great with new families!

Harlequin is a gorgeous pattern like a calico cat and even though it isn’t showable in EA, it is a gorgeous color to make yarn with! This is a very popular pattern and color for pets, fiber artists, and even breeders love adding this color and pattern to their herd.

All of our bunnies come with a full pedigree.

Additional information

Ear Number
