

Color: Red

Gender: Buck (male)

DOB: 10/22/2024

Ready: Now


1 in stock

SKU: Tattooed if requested Category:


Mom: Jellybean, Red doe
Dad: Copper, HR Chocolate Agouti buck

Redhot is a red EA buck. An English Angora can come in different intensities of rufus colors. Red is the deepest and highest intensity of rufus you can get and is such a gorgeous color. As the fur grows, the colors change from red to cream and is a very stunning fiber. As with all angora fur, it grows out a full cycle then starts over about every four months. Then you see the beginning of the deep red growing out again. The face will always remain intense red.

Our line of English Angora red rabbits are one of our show lines. In fact, Redhot’s mom was a grand champion at her last show. Right now we have him trimmed down for comfort but his furnishings are going to grow back just as stunning as ever!

You get to name this little guy whatever you choose and he comes with a full pedigree. Please reach out to me before purchasing just to be sure he is still available. We can set a date for pick up or look into transport options as well.

Additional information

Ear Number
